I was a teenage LSD dealer

Jazmin and I have been discussing what it's like to have 30 years of psychedelic facilitation experience. Technically those 30 years, started with me as a 14 year-old acid dealer. This is that story. The names have been changed, but statute of limitations mofos!

The first time I took LSD, I was 13 and in 8th Grade. It was the night before halloween, which on the east coast is called “mischief night”. I was sitting on the lake behind our apartment complex, as all apartment complexes in Florida had at the time. James, the older left-behind kid from gym class, came flittering up to myself and my friend Heather.

He says with wide eyes, “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue”.

He put a blotter hit of LSD on each of ours. Said, “Find me if you need me” and flittered off.

That adventure Heather and I had, was spectacular. We wandered the woods, the mall, the apartment complex, we did find James again laughing and painting faces on lampposts with a bottle of Wite-Out. I lost my virginity at the end of that night. All in all, I would say it was a pretty amazing first LSD trip. 

I didn’t come across Hoffman's problem child again until mid-way through my freshman year in high school. I had shop class with a person named “Ryan” 

Ryan was, in a word, different. Ryan seemed placed magically in my life. Ryan did things like: make pipes in shop class, mouth off to teachers with fully-supported evidence, leave school at lunch, sometimes not to be seen for days. As a 14 year old, I was FASCINATED.

Ryan and I would become friends pretty quickly. He revealed to me that he had an old rainbow family/deadhead chemist friend from his quirky Uncle. As someone who was working for their own quirky Uncle on a Tiger King exotic animal farm in South Florida, I had the resources to get some LSD.

So I bought my first 100 hits. “Beavis and Butthead Experience” on blotter paper. I would say, based on all my experiences since then, these were dosed at about 80mcgs per square. Not very strong, but they went fast. I picked them up from Ryan, at his Mom’s house, at 11am on a Saturday. 

Cheerleaders, Wrestlers, Computer Nerds, Shop Kids, Theater Kids, and NHS kids–all would get doses from me in front of the school where the smokers hung out. I started smoking cigarettes, to seem like I had purpose there, other than just selling LSD. 

Every Thursday I would reup and be out by Saturday. For a few months, it was the Beavis doses. Then when the Dead would roll through Miami, Ryan would get a new book. Felix the Cat was familiar, and so were Orange Suns. I didn't want to make money, I wanted to give away experience, like it had been done for me. 

They had a speaker come to the school to give an assembly. One of those anti-drug motivational van by the river–before it was cool types. 

He started out by saying, “I hear you all have a drug problem here.” This kid stands in the back and says, “No we don’t, what do you need?”

He was promptly grabbed by the administration and taken out of the assembly.

I used to tell people that everyone in our school did drugs, and those that didn't, just hadn’t gone to a party yet. 

Hanging out with the seniors when I was a freshman–because I had the backpack full of substances–I saw the power and ability to be seen above my station. I was accepted by everyone, and no one. Picked up for all the parties. Sat in a corner, dosing people. Smoking badly-rolled joints. 

Psychedelics opened doors for me. Both physical and metaphysical. I began to see the way that reality moves. How the collective bobs and weaves with their desires and contractions. 

It took me a very long time to integrate those lessons, but the biggest thing psychedelics instilled in me, is that we all have the potential to grab reality and move it. To take the collective experience and short circuit it. Jump tracks. Change it. 

It all comes down to how much one person believes. 

How much they can move their energy.

How much it matters. 

I survived OK during this time, taking LSD, smoking cannabis, not drinking alcohol, and taking the occasional other psychedelics that came around. I look back now, and wonder if I had stuck to that, I wouldn’t have ended up in rehab, but that's cocaine's fault. 

Short Circuit Control. 

Choose Free Will. 

DeCommodify Psychedelics.


White Privilege and that Time I Got Busted for MDMA


What’s true about psychedelic retreats from 9 Perfect Strangers?